Emergency Print Sale
Hey, folks –
pj over at has sadly found himself in some dire financial straits, and at a very bad time of the year, too. To raise the funds he needs, like right now, he's offering a terrific sale price on prints of his image “Lower Falls – Yellowstone” – a limited run of 50 12″x18″ prints (on 18″x24″ paper) for only $50 each. I must say that this is my favorite image of Lower Falls, and I've ordered mine already.
If you can take him up on this offer in the next couple of days you'll be getting a terrific bargain on a beautiful print and helping out a good guy to boot! (pj tells me he probably won't be able to ship the prints for at least a couple of weeks, so I don't think I'd plan on it arriving in time for Christmas, but it would still make a great gift!)
– Jack

I wish I could think of something more to say right now than thank you, but I can’t. Thank you Jack.
You are more than welcome, pj – I hope you sell all 50 in short order!
– Jack
Thanks. I just noticed the name change on your blog. Is that recent or have I just missed it? Either way it’s a great name.
Hey, pj – yeah, the name change is pretty recent. I’ve talked about the importance of spirit of place for a long time in the offline world, and after seeing Doug Beasley’s “Earth Meets Spirit” blog/site & presentation, I decided to bring it online as well.