Welcome to the new site! Some things (like the old news posts) are still in transition, so please bear with me as I keep plugging away.
Please have a look around and post your comments – I'd love to hear from you.
– Jack
Welcome to the new site! Some things (like the old news posts) are still in transition, so please bear with me as I keep plugging away.
Please have a look around and post your comments – I'd love to hear from you.
– Jack
Just a quick note on the gear I have for sale here: I replaced a couple of empty ink cartridges in the Canon ipf 5100 printer, so I’ve adjusted both the description and the price for that item – it’s actually still the same amount of ink, but now more of it’s in the printer…
March already! Here’s my next desktop wallpaper / calendar image, again in two image sizes, one wider than the other. To set an image as your desktop wallpaper, just right-click (PC) / control-click (Mac) on one of the links below and save the image to your desktop or some other location where you’ll be able…
My thanks to Amanda Barlass and the Country Club of Beloit for displaying some of my northwoods nature photography in the clubhouse at 2327 Riverside Drive here in Beloit, WI. I’ll have work there through at least December, and probably January as well. I’m not a member myself, so I don’t know what the rules are regarding dropping by…
I’ve added a new image gallery for my favorite photos of Big Hill Park here in Beloit, Wisconsin. Big Hill Park is my favorite nearby location, and I plan to add more photos to the collection this winter – so check back to see what’s new! As always, please leave comments below with your thoughts…
It’s starting to look like I might not get in a whole lot of winter shooting this time around – temps have been well above freezing most of the time, and there’s far more brown grass than snow to be seen. In the spirit of making the most of what I’ve got, here are some…
Went on a photo outing to Hyde’s Mill with Ben Henthorn & Stan Smith in early October 2012. This is my favorite of my shots from the trip… You can see more in the Old Northwest Territory gallery! Hyde’s Mill is fairly photogenic, but there are a few issues from a photographer’s perspective. Access for…